Choosing a potty, just like almost every baby-related thing, can be really challenging at first. 😉
I know it may not be the most important thing in the world and for some it may even sound a little weird, but on the other hand, there is such a large selection of potties on the market nowadays that if you shop for it, you should do it wisely.
Today’s post will be simple, short and to the point. You will find out what to pay attention to when choosing a potty and what features it should have. 😊
First of all, remember that a potty is not a toy. It should be used by your child to fulfill their physiological needs, and that is where its role should end. It doesn’t have to have any sound effects or glowing elements that “reward” the baby for taking a pee.
Why? Firstly, because a child who wants to hear a tune may try to fulfill the need by force, using the wrong muscle groups. Secondly, some children may be afraid of such a tune, so the whole idea may have the opposite result. Thirdly, pee and poop are physiological activities, and the baby doesn’t need to be “rewarded” for them in any way. 🙂
A potty should be stable. This is a very important feature. A child who chooses to sit on it needs to feel that it is safe. That’s why, when you shop for a potty, make sure that it won’t slip or tip over. Otherwise, your baby may become discouraged, and then convincing them to use a potty again may not be an easy task.
A stable potty is especially important for children who have difficulties with balance, seem to be very cautious or struggle with the so-called gravitational insecurity (i.e. a fear of ordinary movement or having one’s feet off the ground).
A potty should ensure that your child’s body position is correct. This is very important for the improvement of the whole activity. 😉 Sitting on the potty for a long time is not good as it is a big challenge for the pelvic floor muscles, so the position of the baby’s body really does matter here.
Which position is best? The one that resembles a squatting position. The feet should be placed on the ground and the knees should be set higher than the baby’s hips.
A position in which the knees are higher than the hips.The position of a child on a particular potty depends on their height, so it’s a good idea to “try it out” before buying. If you can’t do this, go for a potty that is quite short.
Let’s take a look at several models because as you can see… one potty is not equal to another.
In the photos, there is my son (15 months) who wears size 86 EU.
A travel potty. Short. The baby’s knees are placed higher than the hips.
A regular potty from a chain store. Short and stable.
A comfortable and stable potty – but slightly higher than the previous ones. The baby’s knees are a little higher than the hips, but not as high as before. A good proposition for taller children.
A very stable potty, but for slightly older/taller babies. 🙂 In the baby 86 cm (about 2.9 ft) tall, the knees are set at hip height. 4. CHOOSE A POTTY THAT IS EASY TO CLEAN
This is an obvious point but I want to bring it up because potties with a special pull-out insert are very popular these days. This is a nice solution provided that this insert doesn’t slip in any way. A slipping insert can disturb the sense of stability and effectively discourage the little one from sitting on the potty.
This is more a matter of personal preference, but I really like potties that are white on the inside. This makes it easier to see any possible changes in urine.
An overlay can be a good alternative for children who are very fond of imitating their parents and also want to sit on the toilet. However, when using an overlay, ensure that your child is in the correct, nearly-squatting position.
In that situation, it’s good to get a special platform or a footrest with several steps which can be placed under the baby’s feet. Maybe you can also find it useful? 😉
Keep it simple. Choose a potty that is stable, quite short and without any additional distractions.
I hope this post will make your choice at least a little easier. Enjoy your shopping! 🙂

The content herein is for informational purposes only and will not replace a visit to a physiotherapist or other specialist. If in doubt, please consult with a professional who can examine your baby in person. For the sake of your baby, I do not provide online advice.
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