What’s up with this baby-friendly care? Is there something I don’t already know??? Our parents did not seem to bother with it and we turned out OK…
I will try to answer these and similar questions today. 😉
To start out, it is really cool — and there is more to it than you might think.
Of course not! 😉
OK, just before you stop reading this post, let me assure you that it really is worth trying! It is not only beneficial for your baby, but it’s also very easy to implement. With a little bit of commitment, PARENTS can broaden their horizons and see a potential in their babies that they would not otherwise have recognized.
Nobody dies from lack of “baby-friendly care”. 😉 Just take a look at yourself… On the other hand, many of us spent the first weeks (or even months) of our lives tightly wrapped up in a swaddle. That must certainly have had an effect. Thankfully, nowadays it is commonly known that hip joints need free space in order to develop well. Luckily, a baby in a swaddle is not such a common sight as it used to be. 😉
Back to the care. You can easily manage without paying special attention to how you pick up, carry, or put your baby down. The choice is yours. 😉 However, in my opinion it is certainly worth a try.
As I see it, you can treat this like the first dance at the wedding: You can just go with the flow and dance without any preparation. The wedding will still go on. But isn’t it better to make that dance special? 😉
Everybody knows that when a child is born, he or she is completely dependent on us. Babies also constantly learn new things. How does this happen? Mainly through experience… If a baby repeats certain activities, they become second nature.
Baby-friendly care is nothing more than lifting, carrying, putting the baby down, or, for example, changing a diaper — all in a way that does not interfere with the natural development of the child. On top of that, it is also quite pleasant for the baby. 😉
Is it difficult???
In my opinion, not at all. 😉 I think that if you put your mind to doing these things, anyone is able to manage it! 😉 You just need to know what to focus on, and to plan wisely. 😉
When it comes to baby-friendly care, there are 3 points to consider:
This is an absolute priority! If you want to undertake any aspect of harmonious development for your child, providing a sense of security is extremely important.
In order for your baby to fully take advantage of his or her potential, the child needs to feel safe.
That is why whenever you do anything with your infant, you have to minimize any stress or any feeling of danger.
OK that’s theory… How do I do this in real life?
It’s enough to perform each activity slowly while avoiding a sudden reduction of the child’s support base. In the case of very small babies, the support base has to be large at all times. Newborns really need this. They do not know how to stabilize and control their bodies yet, their torso is still quite weak, and their nervous system is still developing. That is why, if you don’t want your baby to instinctively tense up, do not rush: Just make sure that your baby feels safe in your arms. 😊
If someone asked you to describe your body, you would probably just say that you have a head, a torso, two arms, and two legs. You could also add that your arms work harmoniously — as do your legs. You can join your hands at your body’s the center line, and you can move them towards your mouth or scratch your back. 😉
Even though newborns are “made of” the same “elements”, they are not yet aware that they have them. :) It takes the child time to “find out” about their existence.
What can parents do?
It’s quite simple: You just have to remember a few easy rules:
When caring for your baby, remember to alternate your movements, and allow let the baby move his or her hands freely towards the body’s centerline. Make sure the child is also able to see what he is doing with his hands.
When lifting or carrying your baby, let the child experience his or her bodily weight on both sides.
Simply put, this is how babies naturally learn their bodies.
By doing these things, you as a parent shouldn’t ever have to deal with the problem of why your little one reaches towards a toy with only one hand, or rolls over from only one side…
And now here’s the cherry on top! 😉
Babies first learn to control their heads, work on fixing their eyes, and work at achieving symmetry. They also try to play at the centerline of their bodies. After this, the child will start to experiment with transferring bodily weight from one side to the other. An infant then starts reaching towards the thighs, knees, and feet. The child visually controls those bodily movements. At around 6 months of age, babies know how to roll over from back to tummy. As a consequence, they try to become more and more independent. They learn how to creep, get onto all fours, sit up, crawl, and finally walk…
Changes of position would be almost impossible without rolling over. During a “proper” roll, a baby extends one or the other side of his or her body in the effort to finally change positions. Rolls and rotations are crucial elements of proper development.
How do I take advantage of rolls and rotations for my child’s benefit?
Nothing could be easier! 😉
Whatever you do with your baby — whether it is lifting, putting the baby down, or changing diapers — try to incorporate some elements of rotation.
Everyone who has ever been pregnant or had back problems will know what I am talking about. Let’s take a look at the way we get up every morning. It is very difficult to get up with a straightened spine when your back hurts or you carry a huge belly around. Sometimes it is almost impossible. On the other hand, rolling to the side — and then sitting or standing up — is a completely different story. 😉 Sometimes daily life can show you the best solutions…
Knowing that your baby will first roll to the sides or to the tummy — and then learn how to sit up — can encourage you to support them in these things every day. 😉
Try it yourself!
And that would be it for today. 😉
If you have read all the way to this point, I believe that you have now learned quite a bit! 😉
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More about Baby-Friendly Care and supporting development through playtime you can find in my E-book: