I am still waiting…
Your baby is still in your belly, and you are preparing for birth…
You’ve come to the right place! Pregnancy is the perfect time to gradually gather information on child development. You also have a chance to find out what to avoid and how to support your little one from the very first days of his or her life!
Make the most of this opportunity!
As a physiotherapist, I know how important child development is.
As a mom x5, I’m aware of how concerned we can get sometimes about this process.
I also understand how the smallest of things can make a huge difference and how important it is to always keep that in mind. This blog was created for exactly these reasons.
I write in a simple way. I don’t want to scare anyone. I don’t show therapy here because if such is needed, the baby should be examined by a specialist face to face.
I talk about how in everyday life, during ordinary activities, we can support the development of the child IN A NATURAL WAY!
I show what to pay attention to and how not to go crazy in the new reality. I try to be supportive. I don’t judge. I respect.
I believe that development is not a race but a great adventure. I want to help you enjoy it!