Munchkin 0 – 3 months…
Your little one has recently entered the world… Congratulations!
The life of a new mom doesn’t always resemble what is depicted in commercials, right?
I know sometimes things get difficult, and often you have no energy. There are so many unknowns ahead of you…
Take it easy! From the perspective of a mom of four I can reassure you that things will truly get better soon! In the meantime, I want you to join me on a journey where I will help you not only tame the difficult issues, but where you will also discover how wonderful it is to accompany your child in his or her development!
You will inevitably experience ups and downs… There will be better and worse days, but remember – you are just learning about each other…
Give yourself and your baby time.
Trust your intuition…
- Carrying Your Baby — What’s all the Fuss?
- Will It Even Out or Will It Not? A Question about Head Deformation.
- Let’s Start with… the HEAD!
- I Just Want Some Peace and Quiet — the First Three Months for Baby… and for Mom.
- Tummy time is fun!
- Can Spitting Up Affect Development?
- Hips Don’t Lie — What You Don’t Know About Your Baby’s Hips, But Should!
- 3 Foundational Senses — What are They and How Can We Support Their Development?
- Big Job for Little Feet – They’re Not Just a Sweet Feature!
- How Strong! Great Head Control from Birth? – A Few Words about Lifting the Head too High.
- Baby-Friendly Care. What is it?
- 3 Reasons Why Baby Bouncers and Car Seats are NOT the Best Places for Your Baby to Sleep.
- The Baby Bouncer — How to Know It’s not Doing any Harm.
As a physiotherapist, I know how important child development is.
As a mom x5, I’m aware of how concerned we can get sometimes about this process.
I also understand how the smallest of things can make a huge difference and how important it is to always keep that in mind. This blog was created for exactly these reasons.
I write in a simple way. I don’t want to scare anyone. I don’t show therapy here because if such is needed, the baby should be examined by a specialist face to face.
I talk about how in everyday life, during ordinary activities, we can support the development of the child IN A NATURAL WAY!
I show what to pay attention to and how not to go crazy in the new reality. I try to be supportive. I don’t judge. I respect.
I believe that development is not a race but a great adventure. I want to help you enjoy it!